My family has supported a family in Ghana through World Vision for probably 10 years. We get updates from the family about once every 3 to 4 months with pictures and drawings from the children. I love reading about this family and feeling a connection to them.
I especially LOVE the pictures! The pictures this time though were so exciting to see! The mom was wearing her baby on her back in a piece of cloth. It made my heart melt with joy. The women in the photo is doing her daily work (washing cloths) all while keeping her small child close.
This brings me so much joy because this is the reason I wore my son. I wore him so that I could keep doing all the things I *had* to do, but know he was safe and still feeling loved.
I've posted the picture below.

Happy Babywearing!
This week is
International Babywearing Week and just in time for fall! Fall is when all the babywearing companies come out with their new lines and their improved carriers.
I've heard lots of rumors about new designs and some companies have already launched their new lines.
Hotslings has come out with a new adjustable pouch. I am so excited about this product! I think it might just make the pouch usable from newborn up to a toddler. I can't WAIT to see it!
Ergo Baby Carrier has also come out with some beautiful new colors and carriers! They are finally starting to meet the demand for fashion while still wearing your baby comfortably.
I've also heard rumors about Beco and Pikkolo having some new stuff coming out.
Babywearing if finally becoming mainstream and I could not be happier! I believe this is a movement that needs to happen. Women need to feel like they can be close to their babies all while being able to still wear all the hats that women wear!
Please visit the Babywearing International site, it has a ton of useful info. You won't be dissappointed.
Happy Fall everyone and Happy Babywearing!
The other day I started a gratitude journal. It is starting to change my life.
What you do is at the end of each day write down five things that you are grateful for that day. I love it because it keeps me positive and motivated.
I am realizing that I am pretty hard on myself. I work hard during the day and never feel like I get enough done. So many things are still left undone even now, but the journal helps me look at all I've accomplished and what I have to be grateful for.
So today in my Journal I wrote down...
I am grateful for...
1. Being available for a friend in need
2. The growing patience to keep up discipline
3. Having a wonderful weekend to look forward to
4. Old friendships growing again
5. Getting to stay home with my son eventhough it was unexpected
I now look forward to writing down all I'm grateful for at the end of the day. Wraps up my day in a wonderful way. :)
Have a great weekend!
And so it begins, a journey into the unknown. At least that's what this feels like. I'm starting this knowing I will succeed and having amazing supporters. So what's the issue? Myself.
I'm hard on myself and want to rush. But for everything there must be a beginning and middle to reach the goal at the end.
So here we go. Follow me and we'll go on a journey that will truly be life changing.